Ombre Pink Drink taking into account bearing in mind Ice, Tea, Coconut Milk, Lime Juice, Stevia

The ingredient of Ombre Pink Drink

  • ice lots
  • 1 cup tea tazo passion chilly frosty
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • stevia optional to sweeten the coconut milk and or the tea

Ombré Pink Drink

Ombre Pink Drink taking into account bearing in mind Ice, Tea, Coconut Milk, Lime Juice, Stevia

The ingredient of Ombre Pink Drink

  • ice lots
  • 1 cup tea tazo passion chilly frosty
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • stevia optional to sweeten the coconut milk and or the tea

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